StudySmarter - The learning app

Social Media Project
Project Overview
StudySmarter is a study and learning app based on spaced repetition. Their goal is to make education accessible to everybody.
During my time in StudySmarter I created multiple posts and campaigns for social media. These were mostly focused on TikTok, Instagram, and Google Ads.
My Contributions
I was one of the graphic de in the marketing team. I participated in the ideation and creation of our projects.
When I joined the team we wanted to start to create a presence in these platforms, to do that I did a lot of research and testing, that way we had data to check what worked and what didn't.
While I worked at StudySmarter we created multiple campaigns to promote different features, events, and learning materials. To do that our creative team reunite and did some ideation, when we had some clear ideas we split the tasks between the team members. Most of the time multiple team members were working on the same campaigns to have different ideas and approaches. We adapted all the ads in different formats, so we could post them on the platforms mentioned before. We also did videos, which took longers as we had to storyboard the ideas, record the material, and animate and edit the videos.